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AutorenbildRena Seiler / Marcel Blattner

A pixie forest full of rhubarb cake

As spring was in full fletch we eventually started to explore our neighbourhood.

One of the best ways to do this is running. Our runs still amaze us, but on the first runs we felt like exploring magic woods. The Auenland alongside the Thur feels enchanted. With its small trails and trees covered in ivy it makes you feel like pixies hide behind every tree.

By the way: I am the famous tomato pixie đŸ„”....

...while Marcel is the "I never sweat at all" pixie 😎

We are not just spying for pixies. As we already shared in the last blog, we decided to spread our own pixie dust through the garden and make it a thriving and buzzing green: tomato, zucchini, cucumber and of course pumpkin - every pixie needs pumpkin you remember - it should be. And like natural magic happens it was time to harvest within no time.

Some lovely plants have already been there. What has been a tiny little green spot when we moved in became a HUGE rhubarb

 providing enough fruit (this is actually wrong, because rhubarb is not a fruit, but a veggie) to bake a rhubarb cake almost every week. This cake happiness lasted from the end of April until June 24th. I guess most of our visitors were not unhappy about this diligent plant.

You are wondering why June the 24th? We were wondering, too.

Because everywhere it says that you can harvest rhubarb just until June 24th. No, you can’t harvest rhubarb on the 25th or - crazy you - maybe even on June 26th. You probably will fall into a 100 year sleep or something. No, seriously: The restriction of harvesting rhubarb is caused by the increasing amount of oxalic acid which could cause some unpleasant reactions. So just to let you know: If you ever visit us in the Wehri and rhubarb cake is served it will definitely be harvested before June 24th. We promise!

Besides having visitors who come to have some cake with us, there are some who weren’t invited but warmly welcomed by the way. Thanks to our neighbours Ueli and Ernst, we got some lovely wolly chaps which enlighten our day. Meet: the “almost our” sheeps.

They love dandelions over all other sorts of gras, make the cutest sounds and have a rock solid place in our heart 😍. The blaa makes my heart squeeze and jump at the same time, every time I hear them.

Some other four legged neighbours are a little shy. But we managed to get a pic of them by the way (hurray) despite the excitement to see this busy guy. Please meet: the Wehri beaver.

Even going to the bakery had it’s exciting moments. Because instead of having cars in front of the shop, you sometimes meet some real horse powers in the parking lot :)

Will we ever leave the Wehri for more than a couple of hours or a few kilometers?

Stay tuned and you will find out!

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